by Storyheart here: (You'll have to scroll down to find it) He's the author of Across the Pond. (My review is here)
01 June 2009
I was interviewed...
Posted by Amelia at 8:33 PM 0 comments
22 May 2009
If I was rich (or a Librarian) 4 (and contest)
(Sorry no links this time. Internet is being mean If it decides to play nice I'll add links)
TwiLite: A Paraody by Stephen Jenner (I need this book, I read some of the excerpts. Hilarious)
Glass, Identical, and Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras by Scott Westerfeld
Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson 2) by Patricia Briggs
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Feast of Fools (Morganville Vampire 4) by Rachel Caine
The Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Strage Angels by Lili St. Crow
Full Moon (Dark Guardian 2) by Rachel Hawthorne
The contest: I need a new name for this. I'm not liking "If I was rich (or a librarian)" anymore. So you guys have to come up with a new name. I have no guidelines for you guys to work with, but I like The Story Siren's Books To Pine For. It's catchy. It flows, but it doesn't work for mine because some of the books are already out. My post is all the books I'd buy if I was rich.
Anyways, there's no deadline, just until I find a name I like. And if you win you'll get a book. I don't know which book yet, but when I pick one out I'll email you and make sure you want it and don't already have it. Or pick a book under 20 bucks and I'll send it. I don't know, I'll decide later. So if your email isn't on your profile page or if you don't have a blogger profile, then leave it in the comments. I guess that's it, but I feel like I'm forgetting something...
Posted by Amelia at 1:22 PM 3 comments
Labels: If I Was Rich (or a Librarian)
21 May 2009
Review-Morganville Vampires ( 1-3) by Rachel Caine
From back cover:
" {Welcome to Morganville, Texas. Don't stay out after dark.}
It's a small college town filled with quirky characters. But when the sun goes down, the bad comes out. Because in Morganville, there is an evil that lurks in the darkest shadows-one that will spill out into the bright of day.
Claire Danvers has had enough of her nigthmarish dorm situation. The popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks on the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero. And Claire really doesn't have the right connections-to the undead who run the town.
When Claire heads off campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life. But they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood..."
This was the first book I've read by Rachel Caine and I can't wait to read the rest of her books.
Glass Houses is an excellent start of an excellent series. I read this book in about 2 hours and immediately started Dead Girls' Dance. Unfortunately my puppy got a hold of it and tore it to pieces. I had to wait forever to get another copy and I was running to get the mail everyday to see if it was there yet.
4/5 stars"Good news girls: Your dates are here!
Claire Danvers has her share of challenges-like being a genius in a school that favors beauty over brains, dealing with the homicidal girls in her dorm, and above all, finding out that her college is overrun with vampires. On the up side, she has a great roommate (who tends to disappear at sunup) and a new boyfriend named Shane... whose vampire-hunting dad has called in backup: cycle punks who like the idea of killing just about anything.
Bad news girls: They're dead.
Now a fraternity is throwing its annual Dead Girls' Dance and-surprise!-Claire and her equally outcast best friend, Eve, have been invited. When they find out why, all hell is going to break loose. Because this time both the living and the dead are coming out- and everybody is hungry for blood."
(Minor spoilers. I'll make them little so it's easier to skip over)
I really like that Caine had Claire drugged by a seemingly nice guy at the party. Because it shows not to trust seemingly nice guys/people at parties and to always be the to open you're drink. It was subtle and not preachy, which I loved, and still got the point across.
4/5 stars"Morganville is such a nice place to live...
When Claire Danvers learned that her college town was run by vampires, she did what any intelligent, self-preserving freshman would do: She applied for a transfer and stocked up on garlic. The transfer is no longer an option, but that garlic may come in handy.
...And die. If you don't mind that sort of thing.
Now Claire has pledged herself to Amelie, the most powerful vampire in town. The protection her contract secures does little to reassure those closest to Clair. All of a sudden, people are turning up dead, a stalker resurfaces from her past, and an ancient bloodsucker extends a chilling invitation for private lessons in his secluded home. To what end, Claire will soon discover-and it will give a terrifying new meaning to night school."
Once again, great sequel. I loved that we're learning more about the vampires. Myrnin was a very interesting character, but I felt so bad for him. A question about the summary, it says, "a stalker resurfaces from her past" but wouldn't it be Eve's past?
4/5 stars
Overall review:
I love it! All the characters have distinct personalities. Unlike some books, I didn't get confused about who was who and have to back to find out.
The writing is great, written from Claire's point of view is one of the things that makes this series so enthralling. It's kind of like those whodunit games, you're Claire and have to figure out what's going on before it's too late. (I never got it right :) It's a fun, somewhat quick read. Only 247 pages, but what it lacks in size is definitely made up for in the storyline.
I love the shortness of the books and the way it always ends on a cliffhanger. It makes me way too eager for words to get my hands on the next book. Usually, I'd hate that, because by the the time the book comes out I don't want to read it anymore, but with this series I love it.
Some more things I loved: The vampires are the enemies. I mean, I love a good vampire (that doesn't sparkle) as much as the next girl, but it's refreshing to read a story where vamps are bad. Sure, some of them are less evil than the others, but they're all enemies to humans.
These vampires are an enigma. Caine doesn't explain everything as soon as possible. We don't know their weaknesses, strengths, powers, origins, etc. right off the bat. We learn a little bit more in each book.
I could keep going, but I'd end up writing everything from the books.
I think this is my favorite vampire series now, I would recommend these books to anyone who likes vampires.
Posted by Amelia at 12:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Book Reviews
18 May 2009
Want to join an online YA book club?
Okay so The Page Flipper has started an online YA book club. (For more info go here) I just signed up and I saw that she has a contest going on. And you guys can help me win. If you decided to sign up after reading my post will you please go to "Recruit For Free Books" topic and say that I, BookJunkie, sent you. And then of course you guys can start recruiting, too.
This month's book is Willow by Julia Hoban. June's is Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr.
So what are you waiting for go here ( ) and register. (Then go to the Recruit topic and say that I sent you.)
Posted by Amelia at 2:26 PM 0 comments
11 May 2009
Want to win Sea Change?
A Maze of Books is giving away a copy for her first contest. She's trying to get 100 followers so spread the word!
Click here to enter. Contest ends May 20th. US only.
Posted by Amelia at 1:56 PM 0 comments
In My Mailbox May 4th-11th
What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones (BookMooch)
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen (BookMooch)
Taken By Storm by Angela Morrison. I've wanted this book for awhile, but I have no idea why I got it. I didn't order it or get it from BookMooch or anything. It says it's from Jennifer W. so I'm going on the assumption that I won it and forgot. Does anyone know if I won this in a contest?
A Mackenzie, Lost and Found signed bookmark. This came from the author and once again no idea why I got it or how the author got my address. So once again, I'm assuming I won it in a contest, too.
That's it for this week.
In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren
Posted by Amelia at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
05 May 2009
In My Mailbox Part 2
I went to Dad's for a few minutes yesterday and while I was there, I decided to see whatever books I got.
The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen (From Katie's contest It's signed too. It says "April 2009" and the top and then "To Amelia, You won! Hope you enjoy the book~ Anne Apollen")
Cut by Patricia McCormick (BookMooch)
The Scandal of the Season by Sophie Gee (BookMooch I think it's the UK version)
Fade by Lisa McMann (Amazon) Yaaaay!!!
And also along with Fade, I FINALLY got God of War. I've been waiting for this damn video games for months and I finally got it!! Yippeeeee! When I saw it I kinda wanted to tell Mom I'd be staying at Dad's for a few hours and that he would take me back later. But I didn't, cause that would have been rude so I'm staying and my step-dad's eagerly waiting to leave so I can play it. Oh man, I'm so stupid. I could've just brought my PlayStation here... haha wow. Why didn't I think about that yesterday!
Posted by Amelia at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
04 May 2009
My blog rocks?
The rules are:
1. Rockin' bloggers who are awarded should pass it on to up to 5 blogs that rock your world either for content, writing, layout, or whatever!
2. Be sure to display the badge on your blog and leave a link to the person who gave it to you.
3. Write a post about it, and don't forget to thank the one who gave you the gig!
4. Oh yeah, and be sure to inform your nominees about their award by leaving them a comment. It's just good manners.
I'd like to give this awesome new award to...
1 Bites
2 The Chick Manifesto
3 LiyanaLand!
4 Ashley's Bookshelf
5 Books By Their Cover
Posted by Amelia at 11:42 AM 5 comments
Labels: Award
27 April 2009
If I was rich (or a Librarian) 3

The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams (May 12th 2009)
Frostbitten (Women of the Otherworld book 10) by Kelley Armstrong (September 29th 2009)

Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception by Maggie Stiefvater
Far From You by Lisa Schroeder

Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith

The Awakening (Darkest Powers 2) by Kelley Armstrong (April 28th 2009)

{I'm sooooo excited for this book!!}
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

{I can't wait!!!}
Night World No. 3: Huntress; Black Dawn; Witchlight by L.J. Smith
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs
Posted by Amelia at 1:14 PM 5 comments
Labels: If I Was Rich (or a Librarian)
26 April 2009
Review-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
"PERCY JACKSON is about to be kicked out of boarding school... again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the page's of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of them. Zeus's master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.
Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus's stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch a thief: he must comes to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns of betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves."
Okay before you read this remember that I LOVE anything that has to do with ancient history or mythology, especially Greek.
Now, this book was different, which got bonus points from me. I'm so used to the Greek Gods and Goddesses being mean, vindictive, vengeful, and jealous (because of the Dark-Hunter series) that reading this version of them took a little getting used to. But once I did it was kind of refreshing and I loved the book. The world Riordan created is very interesting. And even though it was about a 12 year-old, it didn't seem kid-ish, so once again bonus points.
I didn't know the ending, even when they all but said who was behind it, until they actually said who was behind it. I was like, "Wow Amelia, good job. He just said everything you needed to know who it was and you still didn't guess until the fight? What's wrong with you?" I'm going to blame it on something... As soon as I find something plausible to blame it on.
The only thing I can think of to complain about is that at the beginning, no one was telling Percy the whole truth. It bugged the hell out of me, but other than that I really can't complain.
Grover was a sweetheart, Annabeth annoyed me at first, but as I got to know her that annoyance died down. Mr. D was hilarious, and once again felt bad for Hades. Can't some cut the poor guy a break?
And a little question for you guys. Which rating system would you like better. My usual 1-5 heart and cross bone thingies or a grading system? See with the 1-5 heart and cross bone thingy you just know my overall rating, and with the grading system you'll see what aspects about the book I liked and which ones I didn't. Which I liked more than the other, etc.
It's your choice since I already know how much I like it and what I liked about it.
Posted by Amelia at 9:14 PM 4 comments
Labels: Book Reviews
25 April 2009
In My Mailbox April 20-25
I got:
Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott (Won in The Story Siren contest)
The Dead Girls' Dance (Morganville Vampires book 2) by Rachel Caine (Amazon)
Midnight Alley (Morganville 3) by Rachel Caine (Amazon)
Touching Darkness (Midnighters 2) by Scott Westerfeld (Amazon)
Blue Noon (Midnighters 3) by Scott Westerfeld (Amazon)
The Dream-Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Amazon)
Upon the Midnight Clear by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Amazon)
Dream Chaser by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Amazon)
Dream Warrior by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Amazon)
Artemis Fowl (Book 1) Eoin Colfe (From BookMooch)
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (from BookMooch)
Whittington by Alan W. Armstrong (from BooksFree)
Graffiti Girl by Kelly Parra (BooksFree)
Spellbound (Sweep book 6) by Cate Tiernan (BooksFree)
I think that's it... I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh well, if I am I'll post this again.
Wow I have A LOT of books I need to read. So that's what I'm going to do today and tomorrow. Read while tanning in this perfect weather.
Posted by Amelia at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
20 April 2009
I got the One Lovely Blog award from Katie at Katie's Bookshelf.
This award is given to new blogs and blogging friends.
The rules to follow are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I'm too tired to list all the blogs(with the whole my friend trying to kill me and all), I might do it later but I don't know.
Posted by Amelia at 12:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Award
18 April 2009
Three books down, a Twiiter update, & a message to my commenters
What I'm reading next: The Dream-Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Pages in book: 307
How many pages read since last update: 245
Books finished so far: 3 The Secret Hour, Moonlight, Going Too Far,
Total pages read: 805
Total time reading: 11.5 hours
Hours left: 8.5
P.S. Apparently people can't find my Twitter, don't know why. So I'll work on fixing that.
P.S. Thank you to all my commenters (Is that a word?) you guys are awesome, and I'll respond to all of you and check out you blog in 8.5 hours.
Posted by Amelia at 10:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
... I fell asleep
After I my last post, I took my much needed break, ate, drowned in Sprite, even watched Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King for a whole minute. Then, started reading Touch the Dark... after 12 pages I was out. Zzzzzzzzzzz until 6:45! GRRRR that's, like, the time it takes to finish a book! So to wake up, again, I'm going to start with with a small book.
Going Too Far seems to be the smallest book left, so I'll read that.
Posted by Amelia at 6:42 PM 4 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Two books down, many to go
I decided to just update after I finish a book because it's easier than every hour. Also, I'm taking a much needed break. I haven't had anything to eat or drink all day. I always forget to when I"m reading, lol.
What I'm reading: Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer book 1) by Karen Chance
Pages in book: 307
How many pages read since last update: 263
Books finished so far: 2: The Secret Hour, Moonlight,
Total pages read:560
Total time reading: 7 hours
Hours left: 16.5 (I think. ugh I'm too tired for math)
Posted by Amelia at 3:34 PM 7 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Update, one book down
The Secret Hour. AAHH I want more. Grr if I had known I'd be doing the read-a-thon I would have bought all of them.
Oh well now I'm going to read something else.
What I'm reading: Moonlight by Rachel Hawthorne. Pages in book: 263 Pages I've read: 0
How many pages read since last update: 26
Books finished so far: 1 The Secret Hour,
Total pages read:297
Total time reading: 4.5 hours
Hours left: 19.5
P.S. If anyone has read this and wouldn't mind giving me some spoilers sometime tomorrow I'd love you forever. I'm a spoiler-holic when it comes to series books.
P.P.S. I knew this would happen. Of course people I hardly ever see, and talk to even less are all asking to go do something tonight or come over or hang out or whatever. Why don't they ever do this on the Saturdays I'm sitting at home bored? No it's always when I'm doing something.
Posted by Amelia at 11:22 AM 3 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Hourly update 3, 11:05 AM
What I'm reading: The Secret Hour (Midnighters book 1) by Scott Westerfeld.
Pages in book: 297
Pages I've read: 271
How many pages read since last update: 26
Books finished so far: 1 The Secret Hour,
Total pages read:297
Total time reading: 4.5 hours
Hours left: 19.5
Posted by Amelia at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Hourly update 3, 10:05 AM
What I'm reading: The Secret Hour (Midnighters book 1) by Scott Westerfeld.
Pages in book: 297
Pages I've read: 202
How many pages read since last update: 75 (I'm getting faster woo hoo)
Books finished so far: 0
Total time reading: 3 hours
Hours left: 21
Posted by Amelia at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Hourly update 2, 9 AM
What I'm reading: The Secret Hour (Midnighters book 1) by Scott Westerfeld.
Pages in book: 297
Pages I've read: 127
How many pages read since last update: 55 (I'm still reading slow grr)
Books finished so far: 0
Total time reading: 2 hours
Hours left: 22
Posted by Amelia at 9:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
Hourly update 1, 8 AM
What I'm reading: The Secret Hour (Midnighters book 1) by Scott Westerfeld.
Pages in book: 297
Pages I've read: 72 (I'm a little slow right now, haven't woken up yet.)
How many pages read since last update: 72
Books finished so far: 0
Total time reading: 1 hour
Hours left: 23
Posted by Amelia at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
7AM!! Time to start
I scheduled this. So now the read-a-thon has officially started. Eeep!
I hope I don't get bored or stop enjoying it something *knocks on wood*
Posted by Amelia at 7:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
It's 6 in the freaking morning. So why am I up again?
(Warning: This is just my normal morning bitchiness. Do not believe anything I say unless I say it again after my coffee and food)
Oh yes the 24 read-a-thon. I'm so starting to regret signing up for that. I mean I warned Dad, I did. I swear on Acheron I did. But did he heed my warning? Nooooo. No he decides to starting talking to me as soon as I walk out of my freaking door! AND NOW he's singing. Is he singing a song that I like (not that it would help)? No hes singing some stupid little diddy from the 40s or something. Grrr and OMG he just turned off ANGEL!! WTF is he thinking?? He knows I'll attack with the smallest encouragement. AAHHH I think I'm going to steal his car and go to McCalorie. I need food and coffee. Damn it, he's leaving for work now. Wait that's good! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *sigh*Silence, it's amazing isn't it?
You know what's weird? Even though I went to bed late, I woke up early this morning. like 5:45 early. So I guess my "drink water and tea right before bedtime so I wake up early" plan worked. But oww my bladder hurtses.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH WHOOO DAD IS GONE! I'm so locking the dogs out.
Okay so here is the plan from now to 7 AM
1 Pee
2 Eat
3 Shower
4 Get everything ready
5 Enjoy my having nothing to do while it lasts
my checklist. Wake up tes? Yes. Coffee for emergencies? Yes. Phone off? Oh, no. Okay yes. Hmm... piles of books ready? HAHA Yeah deff. (I laugh cause my pile is of like 50 books. No lie, I didn't even know I had that many un-read books) Timer? Yes. Good music? Yes. Okay what else do I need?
Posted by Amelia at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
17 April 2009
BEDA- I gave up, I'm a Twitter-er and little things about 24 hour read-a-thon
So yeah I gave up, I am a Twitter-er... Tweeter? I don't know. If ya'll are Twitter-ers let me know in a comment if you add or follow me or whatever it's called there. My thing is "amileon".
Now on to 24 hour read-a-thon. For my time it's starts at 7 am (eeeww I have to wake up super early). I'm going to update ever hour and every time I finish a book. All the updates will be under the label "24 hour read-a-thon" so you can read them later. Let's see what else? Oh right. The last update when I finish will be have everything from how many hours were spent reading, how pages I read, how many books I finished and how much time it took for each book and more. Then I'm sleeping all day Sunday, and when I wake up I'll start all the reviews. Now I'm going to go watch TV and try to get sleepy. Drink some Sleepytime tea or something. And drink water so I'll wake up early. And turn on three alarms and my radio alarm. And hope I wake up in time. I'm going to be a mega bitch in the morning if Dad says a word. I think I should go warm him...
Posted by Amelia at 8:21 PM 3 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
16 April 2009
I'm doing the 24 hour read-a-thon this Saturday
So yeah I decided to do it. Reading non-stop for 24 hours won't be too hard for me, thank god my dad works Saturday.
Click here for more info or if you're interested in doing it.
You don't have to read all 24 hours or non-stop for 24 hours. I'm just going to try and do it that way.
Let me know if you are so I can follow you and check your updates.
It's this Saturday starting at 7 AM my time. Not looking forward to that but that means it'll end early enough so I can sleep until SUNSET!! Whooo I'll be so energetic that night.
So excited I'll make such a dent in my To Read list. Most of them are 1 or 2 hour reads. Which is 12-24 books read!
Posted by Amelia at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: 24 hour read-a-thon
15 April 2009
In My Mailbox April 13-18
IMM was started by The Story Siren. (I forgot to do that in my other posts oops...)
Nothing on Monday or Tuesday.
On Wednesday:
From Smokey Mountain Something or Other (Amazon authorized seller)
Burned by Ellen Hopkins
Poison Study by Maria V. Synder
Evernight by Claudia Gray (Other copy is going back to the bookstore. I really did forget I already bought this...)
Cry Wolf (Alpha and Omega book 1) by Patricia Briggs
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer book 1) by Karen Chance
The King's Rose by Alisa M. Libby
Posted by Amelia at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
12 April 2009
Review-Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Back cover:
"Werewolves can be dangerous if you get in their way, but they'll leave you alone if you are careful. They are very good at hiding their natures from the human population, but I'm not human. I know them when I meet them, and they know me, too.
Mercy Thompson's sexy nest-door neighbor is a werewolf.
She's tinkering with a VW bus at her mechanic shop that happens to belong to a vampire.
But then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself... and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her into a whole lot of trouble."
Ahh this book was just what I needed! I've been dying for some hot werewolves or vamps and this definitely had the werewolves. Mmm yummy. Haha anyway...
This book is YA, which surprised me when I found it at the library, but unlike a lot of books it didn't seem like Briggs took stuff out to make it YA. I mean I've read books that are YA and it'll start getting to steamy or something and then it has a paragraph break and subtle implications of what happened, I cannot stand that. In Moon Called it didn't do that, it didn't seem like the author took anything out to make it fit YA standards. Another thing I loved about this book was it wasn't about teens. I liked that it dealt with adults. I also LOVED that Mercy was a mechanic. I would love, love, love to be a mechanic when I'm older. I can't think of anything I didn't like about this book. I loved how all the supernaturals were different than usual. I loved how they came out. I loved that one of the mains was a gay male werewolf (I have a soft spot for gays especially if they're a wolfie :)
Now my review might be a little biased because I've been craving a supernatural book with hot guys and supernaturals, and if I had read it after I was tired of reading books about hot guys and supernaturals I'd probably be more critical.
P.S. I'm going to change my rating system to a grading system, but until then I give this
Posted by Amelia at 9:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: Book Reviews
In My Mailbox April 5-11
From BookSwim:
Need by Carrie Jones
Be With Me by Maya Banks
Before I Die by Jenny Downham
From Amazon:
Willow by Julia Hoban (FINALY!!!)
Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby
From library (all due on May 6th)
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs (I canceled the copies from Amazon.)
Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan
The Divine Comedy by Dante (I can't wait to read Inferno)
Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
Twisted by Laurie Halse Andreson
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George
And from the local bookstore that dad lent me the money to get:
Fate by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (sequel to Tattoo)
Evernight by Claudia Gray
Kissed By an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler (It says it has all three books of the trilogy)
Evermore by Alyson Nole
Revealers by Amanda Marrone
Night World No. 2 (Dark Angel, The Chosen, Soulmate) by L.J. Smith
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
Need by Carries Jones
Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz
The Forrest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
From Amazon:
Moonlight (Dark Guardian #1) by Rachel Hawthorne
Liszt's Kiss by Susane Dunlap
Aurelia by Anne Osertlund
From BooksFree:
Romiette and Julio by Sharon M. Draper
The Dream-Hunter (Dream-Hunter book 1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
Liner Notes by Emily Franklin
Emilie's Voice by Susane Dunlap
From Border's:
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1) by Rick Riordan
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols
The Secret Hour:Midnighters #1 by Scott Westerfeld
Wicked:Witch and Curse by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie
From Amazon:
The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own by Periel Aschenbrand
and another copy of Night World No 2 by L.J. Smith which I'm taking back and getting something else.
WOW! I won't get any new books in awhile, but damn! With this haul I'm not complaining.
Which book would you like me to read and review next? Comment below and let me know.
Posted by Amelia at 9:33 AM 13 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
11 April 2009
Review-The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own by Periel Aschenbrand
"If members of the Symbionese Liberation Army had carried Prada handbags, transformed raunchy sex gossip into political protest and designed agitprop fashion, they would be Periel Aschennbrand. In this wildly funny debut, Aschenbrand pitches verbal hand grenades at targets that include religious fanaticism, sweatshop labor, and Internet dating, and reveals how the best inspire the youth of America."
This book is amazing. It isn't something parents want their 16-year-old daughters to read, which means I, of course, think all teenage girls should read it. Periel is a feminist and has gotten the attention of people like Betsy Johnson and Susan Sarandon with her shirt that says "the only bush i trust is my own". This book is non-fiction and talks about how she got the idea and started Body As Billboard. She says "I think we should put out tits to better use - it's prime advertising space being wasted on vapid slogans like 'Princess.' Instead of turning us into a bunch of apathetic morons, T-shirts should say things like: 'On any given day in the richest country in the world, there are 600,000 homeless people,' or 'By 2020, 100 million people in Africa will have died of AIDS' "
She makes shirts that say "Drug Dealer" and all proceeds made from this shirt design are given to an AIDS charity called, Keep A Child Alive. I loved this book, I was laughing out loud most of the time, and I agree with most, if not everything she says in this book.
If you are interested in reading this book I should warn you, I don't think you'll like this book if:
You have anything against cussing.
You are uptight.
You are Republican and/or like President G. W. Bush.
You are racist.
You have no sense of humor.
This book says and mentions things you might find crude or disgusting, but whatever. I think it needed to be said and I'm glad Periel said it. I just can't believe I haven't heard of this before. I'll tell you one thing though, I'm going to be buying a shit load of shirts come payday.
Posted by Amelia at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: Book Reviews
08 April 2009
In My Mailbox April 6-8 (I know it's early but I'm sooo excited)
This seems to be pattern, I get extremely good news, then life-changing bad news, then good news that make me feel soo much better, then more bad news. Yesterday, you guys no what the bad new was. But around Midnight I found out that even though I'm dropped out I can still go to Simon's Rock. I thought that wouldn't be possible because it's an early college. And then today we find out we got this loan, which will get us out of debt in like a year, with no early termination fee and since the minimum payment is already so low we'll have it paid off even earlier. So today we ran a bunch of errands and had to print out some stuff at the library and I got some books. Then dad fricken buys me a ton of books. I have to pay him back of course but still I was OMG! I LOVE YOU! Basically his way of apologizing about everything. Cause neither one of us actually apologize. He'll buy me books, or take me to some museum or something. I'll take hi out to dinner or rent some movie he was dying to see. Or something, yeah expensive, but whatever works right?
Anyways here's my book list. I'd include pics but I think they would take up way to much space.
Got on Monday:
From BookSwim:
Need by Carrie Jones
Be With Me by Maya Banks
Before I Die by Jenny Downham
From Amazon:
Willow by Julia Hoban (FINALY!!!)
Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby
From library:
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs (I canceled the copies from Amazon.)
Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan
The Divine Comedy by Dante (I can't wait to read Inferno)
Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
Twisted by Laurie Halse Andreson
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George (All I know about this book is it's based on the Nordic fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon. I pretty much only got it cause I recognized the author)
And from the local bookstore that dad bought:
Fate by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (sequel to Tattoo)
Evernight by Claudia Gray
Kissed By an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler (It says it has all three books of the trilogy)
Evermore by Alyson Nole
Revealers by Amanda Marrone
Night World No. 2 (Dark Angel, The Chosen, Soulmate) by L.J. Smith
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
Need by Carries Jones
Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz
The Forrest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
I know!! I saw like more I wanted but I figured I'd give him a break, he didn't what he meant when said, "Get how ever many you want" plus I was all happy, energetic, and well, basically Hammy from over the hedge.
So yeah today was pretty perfect, I'm kind of scared to see how bad tomorrow will be.
My assignment for you guys is pick which book you'd like to see my review for after Willow. Any of those^ or ones from my slideshow on top left are ones I haven't read
Posted by Amelia at 5:35 PM 5 comments
Labels: In My Mailbox
05 April 2009
In My Mailbox April week 1
Song of the Sparrow and
A Map of the Known World (ARC) by Lisa Ann Sandell
I won these in a contest during Geek Fest from The Not So Closet Geeks
That's all for this week.
Posted by Amelia at 9:15 PM 4 comments
03 April 2009
Sisterhood Award
Dahlia awarded me with the Sisterhood Award. Coolness thanks!
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
Posted by Amelia at 6:54 PM 4 comments
Labels: Award
Blog Archive
- If I was rich (or a Librarian) 3
- Review-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
- In My Mailbox April 20-25
- Awards
- Three books down, a Twiiter update, & a message to...
- ... I fell asleep
- Two books down, many to go
- Update, one book down
- Hourly update 3, 11:05 AM
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- Hourly update 1, 8 AM
- 7AM!! Time to start
- It's 6 in the freaking morning. So why am I up again?
- BEDA- I gave up, I'm a Twitter-er and little thing...
- I'm doing the 24 hour read-a-thon this Saturday
- In My Mailbox April 13-18
- Review-Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
- In My Mailbox April 5-11
- Review-The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own by Periel A...
- In My Mailbox April 6-8 (I know it's early but I'm...
- In My Mailbox April week 1
- Sisterhood Award